PAX East 2015 The Weekly Wrap Up Episode #21
Added: 10.03.2015 5:18 | 23 views | 0 comments
PAX East 2015 is upon us and Albert has the latest news from PAX East week! Metal Gear Solid 5 Release Date and is it ending once and for all? Rock Band 4 Release Date and a new vision, EA is shutting down Maxis, and Mortal Kombat X is heading to mobile!
Tags: Easy, Gear, Daly, Release, Metal, Metal Gear, Solid, Ball, PAX East, Roll, Episode, Gear Solid, Release Date, East 2013, Rock Band, Mortal, Kombat, Mortal Kombat
| Neon the Ninja-First Impressions (PAX East 2015)
Added: 10.03.2015 1:19 | 16 views | 0 comments
Our first scheduled meeting at PAX East 2015 was with the creators of Neon the Ninja, a retro-inspired 2D stealth platformer currently in development for Nintendo Wii U. I had never seen anything from this game, but after playing through the demo I am eager to see where the developers take it. ?? In the demo, I found myself leaping [...]
| Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - First Impressions (PAX East 2015)
Added: 10.03.2015 1:19 | 16 views | 0 comments
?? PAX East 2015 has officially begun, and the Nintendo booth was the first place Nick and I hit. One of the games both of us were excited to check out was Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. Neither of us played the original on the Wii, so it was a new experience for us. So, for those who have played it on [...]
| Toto Temple Deluxe - Gameplay Footage from PAX East 2015
Added: 10.03.2015 0:23 | 12 views | 0 comments
Another chaotic multiplayer game we checked out at PAX East 2015 was Toto Temple Deluxe, which will launch on Wii U this summer. Check out some gameplay footage we grabbed while talking to the developers and playing the game.
| The Witcher 3: CD Projekt Red Releases Seven Minutes of Gameplay Video
Added: 09.03.2015 23:38 | 22 views | 0 comments
 CD Projekt Red released a new gameplay video for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in light of the PAX East 2015 weekend event. They rolled out some brand new gameplay, some brand new footage of a never-before-seen quest, as well as how various oils and magic attacks can be utilized on the fly during battle.
Tags: Easy, Video, With, Released, PAX East, Gameplay, Project, Huge, Gameplay Video, East 2013, Witcher
| PAX East 2015: Exclusive interview with Jessica Nigri
Added: 09.03.2015 14:19 | 12 views | 0 comments
GameZone: "Check out GameZone's exclusive interview with Jessica Nigri from PAX East 2015 and find out what's next for the world-renowned cosplayer."
| Jessica Nigri talks Gigantic with developer Motiga
Added: 09.03.2015 14:19 | 15 views | 0 comments
GameZone: "One of the surprise games that caught our attention at PAX East 2015 this year was Gigantic. Having seen little of the upcoming online action game from Motiga, we were anxious to go hands-on with it on the show floor."
| PAX East 2015: Interview with Adult Swim Games
Added: 09.03.2015 9:18 | 16 views | 0 comments
The Outerhaven writes:
Our next stop during our PAX East 2015 adventures was to the Adult Swim Games booth and for good reason. The Adult Swim Games crew has been on a rampage as of late and has picked up several outstanding titles that are well known within the indie game development, such as Ghost Song, Rain World, Rise Shine, Oblitus, Super House of Dead Ninjas and even the recently announced Deaths Gambit.
| PAX East 2015 Shovel Knight Playable Plague Knight Character Tested
Added: 09.03.2015 8:19 | 22 views | 0 comments
PSLS: The Plague of Shadows expansion for Shovel Knight will introduce a new playable character who plays almost completely differently than Shovel Knight, forcing players to change their strategies.
| PAX East 2015 Life is Strange: Episode 2 Hands On Preview (PSLS)
Added: 09.03.2015 8:19 | 15 views | 0 comments
PSLS: At PAX East 2015, I got a chance to check out Episode 2 of Life is Strange, which, according to the developers, will come out sometime this month.
While I was only able to experience a small piece of the episode, it carries the same indie theme and artsy feel that we here at PSLS liked so much in the first episode. Some new locations will be introduced, and some new characters will also be entering the game. The developers also mentioned that players will begin to feel the outcome of some of the bigger choices that they had to make in Episode 1.
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